commission status | CLOSED


Full color and rendered:

[ DOLLARS ] Prices:
Icon -----------------‐---------------------- $5
Bust up --------------------------------- $10Half body -------------------------------$15Thigh up ---------------------------------$18Full body -------------------------------- $25[ Pesos ] Prices:
Icon -----------------‐---------------------₱150
bust up --------------------------------- ₱300Half body -------------------------------₱500Thigh up -------------------------------₱ 700Full body ----------------------------- ₱900

Colored sketch:

[ DOLLARS ] Prices:
Icon -----------------‐---------------------- $2
Bust up --------------------------------- $5Half body -------------------------------$10Thigh up ---------------------------------$12Full body -------------------------------- $15[ Pesos ] Prices:
Icon -----------------‐-------------------- ₱50
Bust up --------------------------------- ₱80Half body -------------------------------₱120Thigh up ----------------------------------₱180Full body -------------------------------- ₱250


commission status | CLOSED


• how long will the commission take?

> it will take 1 to 20 days depending on the details. I also have some personal things to do so please be patient!

• what if i want to cancel my commission request?

> You can only cancel a request if i haven't worked on it yet. Don't worry, i make sure to inform my client when i'm starting working on their commission.

do you accept payments other than paypal, gcash, unionbsnk?

> no sorry, thats the only mode of payment i use

If you got any other questions, you can ask me in DM's or add it in the form!